Poly Bags For Mailing 7.5" x 10.5" #1 are the cost-effective alternative for all of your soft goods that need to be shipped to customers. These bags measure 7.5-inches-wide and 10.5-inches long and are a little smaller than a standard sheet of paper. Because the packing mailer is finished on the outside with sturdy polyester, they provide unparalleled protection from shipping damages. Some firms used to rely on manila envelopes to ship products, but poly mailers are more durable and hold more weight. Because these bags do not include bubble packaging, they are not recommended for fragile items. The bags are ideal for clothes, papers, pictures, books and magazines.
For optimum office efficiency and the lowest mailing prices, the poly bags for mailing are made from light-weight polyester that is designed for durability. Because the bags are lighter than other shipping supplies, business owners can reduce their postage expenses and improve overall profitability. The other alternative for shipping small items such as books or t-shirts is a cardboard box. Cardboard boxes are heavy, expensive and have to be sealed with tape. Poly mailers are the exact opposite and are often picked for these features. For efficiency, the poly mailers are finished with a self-sealing adhesive that reduces time and ensures that bags remain closed during transit. These mailers are ideal for small business owners or consumers who need to mail small items that are smaller than a legal pad. The Poly Bags For Mailing 7.5" x 10.5" #1 – polyester mailers are the perfect choice for clothing, books and other written materials and provide superior protection during shipping.
StarBoxes Poly Mailer Bags with size 7.5" x 10.5" #1, Pack of 200 Self-sealing White Poly mailer bags.
Lightweight material that helps you save money since it doesn’t add to your package weight.
Poly bags are made with a durable material that protects your goods from ripping and water damage.
Create a memorable impression by shipping your packages with your logo or a special message labeled with adhesives on the outside of our poly bags.
Self-sealing mailer bags that make packing easier. Helps keep your stored and shipped items protected from damage, dirt, and moisture.Â