UOFFICE Pink AntiStatic Bubble Small 3/16" - 700' Roll x 12" Wide

100% of 100
  • Anti-Static Pink Small Bubble Cushion 3/16" Wide (4 Rolls) 12" wide x 175' long each total 700'
  • Perforated every 12" for easy packing of electronic devices such as computers, laptops, calculators and cell phones
  • Wrap fragile electronics for packing and shipping to clients while delivering items in perfect condition
  • Many uses for traveling when packing a suitcase for your business trip to keep items protected
  • May be used to provide nice packaging color for certain gifts or holidays such as Valentine's Day

More Information
Product TypeBubble Cushioning
•Pack electronics safely from static electricity buildup when shipping or storing products
•Ideal choice for shipping electronic goods to avoid static buildup while protecting with bubble cushioning
•This packing material is strong and the air filled bubbles surround and protect odd shaped items
•Easy to tear perforated sheets require less steps to surround and protect merchandise while placing in envelopes or boxes
•Using the correct packing materials will help reduce return or damaged merchandise and strengthen customer satisfaction
Features / HighlightsPink Color, Anti-Static, Good for electronics, Perforated every 12", Protective and Lightweight
ManufactureruBoxes LLC
Country of ManufactureUnited States
Product Length700.000000
Product Width12.000000
Product Height0.187500

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Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap For Your Electronics

Are you looking for the best option to pack and secure your electronics and wondering is this the best packaging option? Anti-static bubble cushion wrap has become a popular packaging choice when it comes to ensuring the safety of electronics against damage during storage or shipment. You may wonder what makes Anti-static bubble rolls different from regular bubble roll? Find everything you need to know about this packaging material and how it ensures the safety of your fragile items and electronic devices.

What is Anti-Static Bubble Rolls?

The only difference between anti-static bubble cushion wrap and regular bubble roll is the way they protect items from damage. Anti-static bubble cushion rolls keep all types of products protected from transit damage and static discharge. StarBoxes anti-static bubble rolls are pink in color making it easy for you to distinguish from regular bubble roll. Not keeping your electronic devices properly packaged can cause static charges that could damage your items. This type of packaging material is ideal for packaging all types of electronics devices like TV, Tablet PC, computer monitors, and other electronic devices.

Benefits Of Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap

  • Ideal for protecting fragile items and electronic devices
  • The lightweight packaging material adds little or no weight to packages
  • Keeps electronic devices protected against static electricity
  • Manufactured with anti-static features
  • Perforated every 12" that can be easily be torn off into sheets
  • Perfect for shipping, storage, and packaging purposes
  • Pink color bubble cushion wrap makes it easy to distinguish from regular bubble roll
Why Use Anti-Static Bubble Rolls

Anti-static bubble cushion wrap is a versatile packaging choice that not only protects electronic devices but can also be used to secure other products that can easily damage during transit. This bubble rolls wrap has anti-static properties that will provide additional protection to your objects against static discharge. It is ideal for shipping out products but can also be used for storage and packaging products.  

Protect your Electronics With Anti-Static Bubble Rolls

Anti-static bubble rolls wrap is designed to protect and secure electronic devices from damage and static electricity. This bubble cushion ensures the safety of your products during storage or shipment in your warehouse. Keep your electronic devices properly packed with the correct packaging material to safeguard their safety at any time.  


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