Cheap Open End Bubble Bags 4" x 5.5" #1 - Pack of 250
Creating your own products for sale can be exciting, but growing a small business often depends on extending your marketing to a widespread customer base. The right shipping supplies are important for making sure that your products get to their destinations without difficulty. Open end bubble bags 4” x 5.5” are great for small products that are somewhat fragile. Starboxes carries a variety of shipping supplies to suit the needs of small businesses, and bubble bags are great for your smaller shipping needs.
Craft businesses crop up in all sorts of places. For many years, the only viable means of selling one’s handmade goods was in the context of fairs and flea markets. Internet access has made it possible to expand one’s business model, marketing to a worldwide audience. Discount bubble bags keep those vulnerable goods safe when they are in transit. Jewelry items can be buffered by being shipped in small clear plastic bags. Carvings and plaques can be sent safely. Polymer clay figurines are protected with bubble out bags. There are a variety of sizes in open end bubble bags, with the 4” x 5.5” size being especially well-suited to small craft items.
Cheap open end bubble bags are also great for companies specializing in supplying materials to those who market their handmade items. Sending beads, jewelry fittings, clay molds or acrylic paints with bubble bags providing padding and protection assures that materials arrive intact and organized. You may even decide to use discount mailing supplies like open end bubble bags to keep your crafting workshop organized.